The Wellness Edge

Holiday Breathwork with Damian | 30 Minutes

Can you guess what Navy SEALs, nurses, and yogi’s have in common?A little thing called Box Breathing.

A close up of man stand in front of a beautiful landscape facing the sun with his eye closed and a soft smile
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Can you guess what Navy SEALs, nurses, and yogi’s have in common?
A little thing called Box Breathing.

Breath is the epicentre of human function. Controlled, slow, breathing is an effective means of maximising Heart Rate Variability (HRV), the time between each beat of your heart.

HRV is responsible for regulating your autonomic nervous system, when the parasympathetic (deactivating) and sympathetic (activating) states both send signals to your heart. If your nervous system is balanced, your heart is constantly being told to beat slower by your parasympathetic system, and beat faster by your sympathetic system. This causes a fluctuation in your heart rate: HRV. Improving our HRV has been associated with decreased mortality in pathological states and longevity in the general population.

But it turns out that science is late to realise the benefits of Breathwork.  The act of controlling breath for the purpose of restoring or enhancing health has been practiced for thousands of years in Eastern spirituality.  It is said that we should, “Breathe like a tortoise, to live like a king.”

Try this 30 minute Holiday Box Breathwork with our co-founder, Damian Chaparro, and build your skills of increasing ventilation efficiency. In the same way that exercising for 30 minutes makes everything else you do easier, this practice will help you breathe better all day.

Are you ready?
Let’s go.

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