
The 2x Factor: How Strength Training Could Double Your Lifespan

Longevity doesn't come from a bottle, it comes from within. Discover how you need to be doing this practice no matter your age.

Ttwo people pull up on TRX bands in the yoga studio
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In the quest for wellness, we often focus on the visible - the sweat of a good run, the calm after meditation. But beneath the surface, in the quiet strength of our muscles, lies a key to longevity that's too often overlooked.

At Aro Ha, we've always known that true wellness is holistic. It's not just about heart-pumping hikes or mindful moments. It's about building a body that can carry you through life with resilience and vitality.

Recent research has shed light on just how crucial strength training is for our long-term health. A study of over 4,000 adults aged 50 and up revealed a startling fact: those with low muscle strength were more than twice as likely to die during the follow-up period compared to those with normal muscle strength.

Here's the kicker - it's not about bulking up.

The same study found that low muscle mass didn't significantly impact mortality. It's about function, not form. It's about being able to lift your grandchild, carry your groceries, or push yourself out of a chair without a second thought.

Another study, looking at 80,000 adults, found that those who did any form of strength training were 23% less likely to die during the study period and 31% less likely to die of cancer. Just twice a week of strength-promoting exercise could make this difference.

Before you start picturing yourself bench-pressing your body weight, take a breath. The beauty of strength training is its simplicity and accessibility. Bodyweight exercises were found to be just as beneficial as gym-based training. It's not about how much you can lift, but about engaging your muscles regularly and purposefully.

Functional Movement Classes at Aro Ha

At Aro Ha, we integrate strength building into our retreats through both functional-training specific activity, and as a natural part of our daily flow. It's in the way we move through our yoga practices and pilates sessions, how we climb the mountains during our hikes, and how we utilise our breath and diaphragm through cold plunge.

Remember, strength training isn't about achieving a certain look. It's about building a body that can support you in all the ways you want to move through life. It's about creating a foundation of strength that allows you to fully engage with the world around you.

As we age, this becomes even more crucial. Strength training isn't just about longevity in terms of years lived, but in the quality of those years. It's about maintaining independence, preventing falls, and being able to participate fully in the activities that bring you joy.

Whether you're 35 or 65, it's never too late to start building strength. Start small. Be consistent. Listen to your body. And remember, every rep, every movement, is an investment in your future.

At Aro Ha, we're here to guide you on this journey. To help you find the strength that already resides within you, and to build upon it day by day. Because true wellness isn't just about the moments of intensity or the periods of rest - it's about building a body and mind that can embrace all of life's experiences with strength, grace, and resilience.

Join us. Let's build strength together.