
Feeling Burnt Out?

Feeling overwhelmed? Discover 7 ways to beat burnout, from sleep to digital detox, and embrace the art of restorative practices.

A group of people lay down on their mats in a yoga studio while the teacher sits up cross legged in the front of the class
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Burnout. Have you felt it, or maybe you’re feeling it right now? A feeling of overwhelm, of a never-ending to do list, and like you can’t quite get your head above water.

You’re not alone. Over 77% of people have experienced burnout in their job, and in 2019, burnout was officially recognised as a work-related phenomenon by the World Health Organisation.

The body talks to us and will certainly let us know when we’ve pushed it too far and reached burnout. Signs like irritability, restless sleep, poor digestion, and even more serious health risks like high blood pressure and cardiovascular risks can all be connected to constantly being ‘on’ and not taking time to switch ‘off’.

It’s no surprise how we got here.

We live in a world that so commonly answers, “How have you been?” with, “Busy”. Busyness has become such a common, almost expected state of being, that if someone were to reply, “Good, well rested” you might be taken aback.

We seem to have forgotten the importance of incorporating restorative practices into our day to day lives. The beautiful art of intentionally setting aside regular time for rest and renewal, of ensuring our inner scale is balanced is more important than ever.

There is a way to avoid and recover from burnout. It’s free, it’s as old as time; the beautiful art of resting.

The mind needs to rest.
The body needs to rest.
Even the soul requires rest.

Yes, we may be busy humans, but it’s not sustainable to continue living these incredibly busy lives. Read on for our favourite ways to restore and rebalance your energy to avoid or heal burnout.

“Your commitment to your wellness is part of the revolution.”
— Danielle LaPorte

a night sky spotted with bright stars rising above mountain tops

1. Sleep

You’ve heard it time and time again, but are you truly listening? Sleep is the ultimate way to rest, relax and restore our entire being. But often when we’re stressed, we find it hard to get into that deep REM sleep that the body craves and the deep healing occurs. If you feel like you have difficulty dozing off, take a look at our best practices for sleep journal. We cover a lot of different ways to promote healthy sleep there.

You can also try Aro Ha’s famous Evening Tonic to send you off on a blissful nights rest.

three small glasses filled with evening tonic with dried chamomile flowers

2. Yoga Nidra

Yoga nidra is one of the most effective forms of rest aside from sleep. It is a deceptively simple practice more akin to meditation than yoga asana, focusing on relaxing and reaching deep consciousness through a form of guided meditation while lying down comfortably. During a yoga nidra practice, the delta brainwaves are activated which are responsible for the healing and restoration that otherwise only happens in your body during deep sleep.

3. Meditation and mindfulness

Stilling the mind. A practice that is so important when we feel our thoughts are loud, fast, and out of control. Here is where meditation, mantra, and other mindfulness practices are so beneficial to slow those racing thoughts. This will allow you to get to a place of mental clarity, emotional calm and deep rest. Don’t be intimidated by the more traditional form of quiet, seated meditation as there are many alternative meditation practices. A great place to start is a walking meditation. Try Damian’s walking mediation here. Alternatively there are many guided mediations on platforms such as Insight Timer. Approach meditation with a curious mind and you might just be surprised by the changes you feel.

a man sits crossed legged on a yoga mat with his forearms resting down in front of him

4. Lighten the load

No matter what scale of burnout you’re feeling, it’s OK to ask for help at any stage. Reach out to a loved one, a friend, or a professional if the weight of it all is becoming too much. If you’re feeling burnout at work, ask to see what support you can get from your employer. You never know, it might open up a conversation if the feeling of burnout is collective amongst your team, creating space for others to talk about their own struggles, building a more supportive and resilient workforce.

One of our recommended tools to support mental health is BetterHelp – a platform where you have access to licensed therapists around the world.

You can also take a look at our MindLove toolkit for small ways that have big impacts on your mental health to lighten that load. Sending love.

5. Digital detox

Get outside, connect with nature and leave the devices at home. Give your body and mind space, mentally and physically. According to this study, spending just 20 to 30 minutes immersed in a nature setting was associated with the biggest drop in cortisol levels. While any time is nature is one we recommend, level it up by unplugging from tech entirely without the constant distraction of pings or temptation to scroll. You’ll be amazed the transition that can happen within you in just a short time. Breathe it in.

6. Nourishment from within

Nourishing food isn’t ‘like’ medicine – food is medicine. When your energy is in a negative balance, the motivation to eat well can feel all too much. It’s OK to keep it simple! You don’t need to clear the entire pantry and start from scratch. Living consciously and eating wholefoods at least 80% of the time can create optimal health and wellbeing. Make small swaps to restore and rebalance the energy; an apple in exchange for a muesli bar, a wellness tonic instead of a coffee – choose the nutrient-dense option and feel how your body thanks you for it.

a person holding a mallet up to a metal sound bowl

7. Sound healing

We all have ‘that’ song… a song which makes us feel. What’s that song that instantly gives you a pick me up? Or that sad song which lets you have that good cry you really needed? We all have it, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that sound therapy has been hugely popular throughout time. In Ancient Greece music was commonly used to treat and even cure mental disorders. The vibrations created by the different instruments interact with the cells in our bodies, whether this be healing, relaxation or other specific results.

“Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop.”
– Ovid

a woman wearing a robe relaxing in a chair while gazing out a window facing mountains holding a warm beverage

Small acts for optimal wellbeing

Coming back from burnout might feel like an impossible mountain to climb when you’re at the bottom, but with these simple tools, it’s completely possible to replenish and restore the body and mind. It just takes commitment to yourself. Commit to making small changes in your day to allow for more rest and restorative practices, even if just for 5 minutes, it is the most generous form of self-love you can show to yourself

Start with one of the above, or dive head first, and feel as the act of resting calms the nervous system and as a result, betters your overall wellbeing.

While on retreat at Aro Ha, rest is equally as important as the nutrient-dense meals or the invigorating hikes. We cannot live full lives without balance, and so on your retreat, we remind you of all the amazing ways there are to pause, rest, and recharge, so you can live your life with energy and clarity.

We hope to see you on retreat soon,

The Aro Ha team xo