
The Joy Of Hiking

Our backyard is full of great hikes - come and walk them with us.

A GIF of rotating images of people hiking through the forest and up mountains in New Zealand
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There is such magic in the forest, on high mountain trails and at the edge of lakes with their ever-changing blues and greens. A magic that calls to us to get outside, to move our bodies, to walk, run, swim, kayak and breathe differently. Though at times our interactions with the natural world can mean facing challenge (physical and mental), more often than not we return home feeling brighter and soothed after embracing that difficulty. Steep hills, long distances, aching muscles and sore feet can sometimes be deeply nourishing in a mysterious kind of way.

A study from 2019 found that our main stress hormone, cortisol, decreased by 21.3% per hour spent immersed in nature. It didn't matter what type of movement the participants were doing either, a slow walk or a challenging climb, the time in nature soothed their stress levels regardless.

These interactions with the natural world can create forward momentum for achieving our goals, supporting us in moving through obstacles, and giving us the kind of rich fulfilment that only comes from hard work and resilience. Get outside, wherever you are in the world, and get hiking!

It’s written into our narratives

Think of your favourite childhood stories. Pages and pages of great adventures in the wild. Facing adversity, solving problems, pushing that little bit further to reap the rewards. Struggling, failing, and ultimately finding new strengths and truths that were never experienced before. Surely there’s a little bit of archetypal wisdom interwoven into those characters - a reminder of the transformation that comes when we go out and move our bodies, when we test our limits and re-emerge on the other side.

By spending time in nature and interacting with the environment around us instead of with technology, we are actually enhancing our creativity and improving our problem solving skills by up to 50%.

New Zealand's Greatest Offerings

This beautiful country of New Zealand, which we are blessed to call our backyard, offers discovery and challenge for every fitness and adventure level. For some, that might be a gentle meander through green rolling hills. For others, it's walking the entire length of this country. People have done it! Te Araroa is a magnificent winding pathway of trails from the top of the north island to the bottom of the south. Others may find their edge doing one of the beautiful multi-day Great Walks of New Zealand. Or maybe it's an hour or so of just you and the outdoors. The more we do it, the easier it becomes and the more fulfilment we feel when we walk further, up steeper slopes, and with more confidence than we did before.

Some of our favourites hikes in the South Island of New Zealand include the Routeburn, which starts on our back doorstep here at Aro Ha, the Milford Track, the Kepler, Rob Roy Glacier in Wanaka and the Greenstone Caples loop.

In 2022, New Zealand celebrates 30 Years of Great Walks of New Zealand. We feel very blessed to have a few of them so close by.

“You’re off to great places, today is your day.
Your mountain is waiting, so get on your way.” - Dr Seuss

How do we own our movement?

Make it personal! Create a focus. What do you want to be able to achieve, in your own specific body? Self-determination theory speaks to this, referring to a person's ability to make choices and manage their own life. Instead of letting yourself be swept down the river, decide which stream you want to branch out into. Make a plan for you.

And remember challenges can actually help us focus and achieve. We usually challenge ourselves to do a task for a specific number of times or for the duration of a set time-period. As long as you have a goal or a place that you know want to get to, the unfolding journey has already begun.

Observe the changes with mindful movement

We challenge you to explore your movement a little bit differently this month. Be that when you’re walking to work, meandering through a park, or on a big mission out in the bush. Take the extra time to tune in to what it is like to be moving in your body, to be walking.

Instead of distracting yourself with a podcast or listening to music, great beats that we’re sure they are, perhaps you could do a simple body scan.

  • Starting at your head, what can you see, feel, hear, and what are your thoughts like? Are the birds chirping? Are the trees moving in the wind?
  • Moving down your body you might check in with your physical form - how do your muscles feel in this moment, are your shoulders tense? How are you breathing?
  • Next, have a little think about your feet - what do they feel like against the ground? Sometimes walking bare foot, also called ‘earthing’, is a great way to recharge your body thanks to the energy the earth provides.

Walking with Aro Ha

There are many different elements to the way we interact with hiking on an Aro Ha retreat, but walking acts as a wonderful way to interact with challenge. It may be physical, it may be mental, it could also be a spiritual conversation with the natural world. We are all trying to get somewhere, trying to learn something, to grow a little more. Some guests are challenged by the hikes we do, others aren’t so much, but walking amongst the hills and Aotearoa’s breathtaking landscape often bring forth deep thinking and deep feeling. It’s hard to not be humbled by the sheer size of the mountains that surround us.

When we do hard things, when we achieve feats that we really had to work at, or that we didn’t quite believe we could do, the rewards are oh so rich for both body and mind.

It also feels special to be able to embrace the joy of hiking throughout the seasons. When the winter snows are upon us it means brisk walks in crisp air, red noses and wooly hats on heads. There are different layers of challenge woven into this kind of walking and a cosy sauna session is a delicious reward for body and mind after a day out in the elements. In summertime it’s all about that cold plunge in the icey lake!

We have expert guides on retreat, who support the enhancement of meeting and interacting with nature on our beautiful hikes. We weave in elements of mindfulness, plant knowledge and local history to these experiences too, creating a sense of grounded presence as we walk.

So what are you waiting for? Run for those hills that are filled magic! But remember, if you’re heading out on a sizeable hike, don’t forget to pack all the things you need to stay safe.

Tell someone where you are going (and remember to write in those intentions books!)

  • Take a first aid kit
  • Water bottle
  • Sun protection
  • A pocketknife or multi-tool is always useful
  • Take a torch, just in case
  • Extra warm layers
  • A raincoat
  • A map/compass for if the phone fails :)

Happy wandering, we hope to journey the Beech forest paths here in Glenorchy with you soon.

Sending love,

The Aro Ha Team