The Journal

Dive into our collection of articles and blog posts designed to nourish your mind, body, and spirit on your journey to holistic wellbeing. Uncover the secrets to living a balanced life, with guidance and insights from experts in wellness, nutrition, sustainability, mindfulness and more.

A close up of a green fern with blurry leaves.
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A close up of man stand in front of a beautiful landscape facing the sun with his eye closed and a soft smile
The Wellness Edge
Holiday Breathwork with Damian | 30 Minutes
Dec 21, 2022

Can you guess what Navy SEALs, nurses, and yogi’s have in common?A little thing called Box Breathing.

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A man sits cross legged with his touching near his abdomen practicing a breathwork with his eye closed
60-Minutes of Breath for Mental Calm
Dec 16, 2022

Join Fraser Beck, one of our Retreat Leaders for a 60-Minute breath practice.

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A person walking on a track away from the camera in a forest
The Wellness Edge
What Has Been
Dec 13, 2022

It’s that classic time of year again, the end of one orbit around the sun and the start of another. How did it come around so quick? The time between this last month of the year and the first month of the next one is always an interesting one, with so many celebrations, resolutions, changes, and new beginnings. 

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A bowl of 5 small snacks
Pistachio & Cranberry Cheese Bites
Dec 9, 2022

A simple yet perfect plant-based appetiser for your Christmas menu! These delicious bites are both decadent and light, with the cranberry and pistachio bringing both colour, texture and flavour to the table.

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Scenery of a green and blue lake with mountains and clouds in the background
Everything Is Waiting For You
Dec 9, 2022

A beautiful poem by David Whyte.

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people dancing in a yoga studio with a large window that looks towards a lake and mountains
The Wellness Edge
Life’s Little-Big Gifts
Nov 21, 2022

When was the last time you received a gift? Did it light you up? Surprise you? Make you feel loved?

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A GIF of rotating images of people hiking through the forest and up mountains in New Zealand
The Joy Of Hiking
Nov 8, 2022

Our backyard is full of great hikes - come and walk them with us.

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three shot glasses of Aro Ha's evening tonic on a board with the mountains in the background
Aro Ha's Evening Sleep Tonic
Nov 1, 2022

Rest easy with our Aro Ha evening tonic, a blend of chamomile tea, tart cherry extract, and magnesium for deep sleep.

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A man sits on a yoga mat cross-legged leaning forward over his legs with his forearms on the ground
We Need To Talk Wellbeing
Oct 7, 2022

Our founder, Damian Chaparro, recently sat down for a chat with Toni Street on her podcast 'We Need To Talk.'

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reflection of the mountains in a pond
Our MindLove Toolkit
Sep 29, 2022

Our best ways to utilise what is surrounding us to help cultivate feelings of presence and connectedness.

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A group of people lay down on their mats in a yoga studio while the teacher sits up cross legged in the front of the class
Embracing Immersion For Change
Sep 29, 2022

How do we as individuals and as a human collective interact with change? And what are the best ways to meet change in order to harness its powerful abilities?

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A flat lay of 3 shot glasses of Aro Ha's morning elixir with some ingredients surrounding them on the ceramic tray
Immune Boosting Morning Elixir
Sep 21, 2022

Aid digestion, boost immunity and get your daily dose of antioxidants with this Morning Elixir.

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